"Weirdcore is an online aesthetic and art movement centered around amateur or low-quality photography and/or digital graphics that have been constructed or edited to convey feelings of confusion, disorientation, alienation, and nostalgia or anemoia."
- 更改了马里奥的贴图素材并重做了马里奥的动画
- ——马里奥现在有更多动作,并且可以跟随屏幕一起扭曲了
- 改良了关卡内的部分特效
(注:必须使用SMBX 1.4.5 Patch 31.1来运行关卡)

Hi - TEMPOREX; from the music album 'Care (Explicit)'
Fleur - Pedro Silva, Jami Lynne, bo en; from the video game 'Omori'
Inside someone else's house - Ricky Eat Acid; from the music album 'When they align just so, memories of another life bleed into my own'
Looping Steps - Koji Kondo; from the video game 'Super Mario 64'
Memories - TRA$H; from the music album 'Memories'
Sei (Sei) Mono E No Chinkonkyoku - Yasushi Ishii; from the anime 'Raid'
ON TOP - The Girl Next Door, WMD, Chris Krohn; from the music album 'ON TOP'
Great Mother In The Sky - Lionmilk; from the music album 'I Hope You Are Well'
Some particle effects from the video game 'Super Mario All Star - Super Mario Bros. 3'
Remastered SMB3 Mario GFX made by Lx Xzit and some of Mario's move GFX made by CursedMario and edited by HengShao
Remastered SMB3 Hills BGO GFX made by Sednaiur
Remastered SMB3 Palace tiles GFX made by Vob-omb
New Grassland Tileset made by PROX
Plank Floor GFX from the video game 'Minecraft'
Looping Steps GFX from the video game 'Super Mario 64'
Roof Top GFX from the video game 'Yume Nikki'
Smiley Face GFX with twisting animation made by Kaizo_Zhang
Water GFX from the video game 'Donkey Kong Country 3: Dixie Kong's Double Trouble!'
Some of other GFX are from network, and are edited by HengShao
如果你对本关内的特效感兴趣,并且想知道如何制作的话,可以在 QQ 上私聊询问我(如果我有空的话)。